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The Nursing Experience of Terminal Discharge from Hospital for a Terminally Ill Patient




Dying at home, which is similar to a fallen leaf returning to its root, is a traditional Chinese cultural belief. However, due to the various considerations of the family, the wish to die at home is often unfulfilled. This article describes the nursing experience of helping a terminally ill patient to terminal discharge from the hospital and to fulfill his wishes to die at home. The period of nursing care experienced herein ranged from October 19-24, 2019. Three major health problems were identified: 1) multiple infections; 2) family members' worries about pre-dying care at home after terminal discharge; and 3) anticipatory grief, which was assessed through physical assessment, observation, communication skills, and an overall assessment of the patient's physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. A patient-centered individualized nursing plan was developed. Considering the patient's life expectancy and survival prediction, as well as the merits and demerits of medical treatments, discontinuation of antibiotics, artificial nutrition and hydration at the pre-dying phase were discussed with family members. The healthcare professionals also empathized with the family's worries regarding the patient's death at home and instructed the family to identify pre-dying symptoms and make death-related preparations at home. Interprofessional collaboration with a spiritual care provider and a music therapist using life reviews to affirm patient's value and achievements guided patient and families to express their emotions and four themes of life (gratitude, apology, love and goodbye). These healthcare professionals also provided anticipatory grief care. Terminal discharge to die at home requires advance planning of care, continuous provision of medical services, and companionship for the patient. It is hoped that this nursing experience can be used as a reference for clinical care.


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