  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Improvement for Preoperative Anxiety and Self-care Deficit of Elderly Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma




This article describes the process how to care preoperative anxiety and self-care deficit in an eighty-two years elderly of cholangiocarcinoma. The author looked after the period from March 9th, 2009 to March 25th, 2009 and made use of Gordon eleven functionalities healthy evaluation for framework which the information was collected by the way of physical examinations, discussions, and observations. Nursing problems of this case included preoperative anxiety, self-care deficit, and potentially dangerous falling after analyzing diagnosis. Preoperative anxiety of this patient was released by the use of auxiliary therapy such as music, aromatherapy, massage, and combination with a relaxation technique by establishing individually nursing plans. This case learned daily life self-care by watching Taiwanese (Southern Fujian language) healthy education disks, and the family was encouraged to participate in patient safety maintenance. The above staff made the patient face the operative treatment with a positive manner and obtain the proper and safe nursing care during the hospitalization.


