  • 期刊


Shortening of Nursing Staff Work Hours to Identify the Outpatients Who Used Mydriotics at Ophthalmology Clinic




散瞳劑 縮短 滿意度


Reducing patient waiting time and lessening staff time to identify the outpatients who used Mydriotics at Ophthalmology Clinic are major process improvement tasks. This project aimed to reduce nursing staff time in identifying the outpatients who used Mydriotics. We surveyed three nurses between 15th and 30th of November 2010. We found that the average time from the initial applying Mydriotics to the pupils fully dilated was about 46.6 minutes. We applied the 80/20 principle to analyze the cause of delayed time: more than one outpatient using the Mydriotics at the same time, not providing the tool to identify outpatients who used Mydriotics, and not setting up the pupil dilation section at the clinic waiting area. Putting an A5 size sheet on the home page of close-chart, making identification cards, and setting the specific area for the patients waiting for pupil dilation could shorten time for nursing staff to identify the outpatients from 46.6 minutes to 29.3 minutes. We demonstrated a process improvement in pupil dilation procedures and reached our goal of providing high quality and efficient care at Ophthalmology clinics.


Mydriotics Shortening Satisfaction
