  • 期刊


Exploration of Disordered Eating and Its Predictors Among Taiwan College Students




Objective: The literature indicated that contextual variables such as interpersonal stress and negative emotion can interact with trait variables and affect disordered eating. However, the empirical study on college students in Taiwan is very limited. Thus, this study aimed at investigating Taiwan college students' disordered eating and its predictors. Methods: Participants were 507 Taiwan college student. Their disordered eating behaviors, stress, emotion status, impulsivity and distress tolerance were measured by self-rated questionnaires. Results: The prevalence of disordered eating was 5.5% in the college students. Gender, interpersonal stress and negative emotion were significant predictors of disordered eating behaviors. In particular, negative emotion can significantly predict high disordered eating. In terms of trait variables, impulsivity was not significantly correlated with disordered eating behaviors. The emotional avoidance was significantly associated with the disordered eating behaviors. Conclusion: The interpersonal stress and negative emotion were important risk factors of disordered eating in Taiwan undergraduate students. It is noteworthy that there existed different predicting models for male and female participants. The negative emotion was a common risk factor for both males and females. However, the interpersonal stress can predict disordered eating in the female sample, but not in the male one.


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