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An Empirical Study of Morality Rate and Social Economic Development in Taiwan




Though suicide is out of top 10 causes of death from 2010, suicide mortality rate still keeps raising. This paper analyzes the differences of suicide mortality rates in Taiwan prior to and post the financial tsunami and the impacts of economic development factors on suicide mortality rate. This paper adopts correlation coefficient and time series methods to examine the relevance of economic development and suicide mortality rate in Taiwan. The descriptive statistics are used to observe characteristics and trends of economic development factors. The analysis of variance is used to understand the differences prior to and post the financial tsunami. The correlation coefficient analysis is used to analyze the relevance of variables. The change of the mean of suicide mortality rate prior to and post the financial tsunami increases though it is not significant. The means of occupational gap, unemployed rate, industrialization and poverty prior to and post the financial tsunami significantly increase. The means of divorce rate and urbanization significantly decreased. Divorced rate, industrialization, occupational gap, Gini coefficient, poverty and ultimo suicide mortality have significantly relevance with suicide morality rate. The causes of suicide are not single but complicated. The factors of economic development affect environment, spiritual status, physiological factors, social pressures and Werther Effects which interaction might cause suicide behaviors.


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