  • 期刊

Synchronous Colon Adenocarcinoma with High-Grade Gastric Maltoma: Report of a Case





Multiple primary cancers have became more and more familiar and attractive to the physicians since first description in 1889. The incidence of the cancers has increased with an almost exponential rate. Both colon cancer and gastric MALToma are associated with high incidence of second neoplasms. But the combination of both is rare. A 69-year-old female, suffering from tenesmus and bloody stool passage, was admitted for management of a sigmoid cancer. During operation, an indurated gastric mass with torturous vessels on serosa was seen. The panendoscopy performed immediately and assured an ulcerative tumor on the greater curvature side of the lower body. The frozen section biopsy from the ulcer margin manifested a benign ulcer. After the discussion with her families, subtotal gastrectomy was implemented for the highly suspected malignant tumor. The final pathology perceived a rare case of synchronous sigmoid adenocarcinoma with high grade gastric MALToma. The patient is well and free from tumor recurrence one year after surgery. To our knowledge, the two tumors of this kind is first reported in the literatures.
