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Effects of Theae Folium Extract on Cerebral Ischemia-induced Memory Impairment in Rats


目的 茶葉為山茶科(Theaceae)植物Camellia sinenisis (L.) O.K(下標 UNTZE)之藥,且具抗氧化、抗動脈粥樣硬化作用及減少大鼠腦缺血後神經細胞死亡現象。本研究擬探討茶葉是否對腦缺血後學習記憶損傷具有改善作用。 方法 以大鼠前中腦動脈及兩側頸總動脈結紮為腦缺血模式,並以水迷宮實驗評估茶葉粗抽物對腦缺血大鼠學習操作障礙之改善。 結果 本研究利用大鼠前中腦動脈及兩側頸總動脈結紮所造成之腦缺血模式,可誘發大鼠於水迷宮空問操作、參考記憶、工作記億再學習與再現等學習操作能力之障礙,結果顯示茶葉粗才由物可改善因腦缺血所誘發之學習操作障礙。 結論 茶葉粗抽物對腦缺血學習記憶損傷具改善作用。


Purpose. Theae Folium (Camellia sinensis (L.) O.K(subscript UNTZE)) has been shown to be a natural antioxidant with antiatherosclerosic and neuroprotective effects in rats with ischemia-reperfusion brain injury. The present study investigated the effects of Theae Folium on memory impairment induced by cerebral ischemia. Method. We evaluated the protective effects of Thera Folium in rats with ischemia-reperfusion brain injury caused by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery and the two common carotid arteries. Memory function was measured by the water maze test. Results. Occlusion of the cerebral artery and the two common carotid arteries caused brain dystropy and impaired spatial performance, and reference and working memory. Theae Folium extract at 100 and 300 mg/kg ameliorated the impaired performance and working memory in cerebral ischemic rats. Conclusions. Theae Folium improves memory impairment in ischemic rats.
