  • 期刊

Measurement of Heart Rate Variability as an Interactive Determinant of the Autonomic Nervous System: Ccorrelation With Chinese Medical Constitution



背景 自律神經是調節內臟活動的主要神經系統。分析心率變異因此可以提供自律神經功能的資料。本研究是以心率變異分析作為交感神經和副交感神經交互作用之測定值並探討其與中醫體質平衡穩態相關性之研究。 方法 本研究以測是健康人、植物人及陽虛病患的自律神經之交感及副交感神經時域與頻域分佈情形及振輻狀況,並由均衡比值探討其頻率能量比,同時探討陽證與陰證的臨床分析。 結果 正常人的自律神經活性,交感神經頻譜能量為4434±26.64,而副交感神經頻譜能量為50.36±25.38,兩者間的比值為0.92±0.35。長期臥床的值物人,其LF是5.35±1.12,HF是6.11±2.53,屬陰陽俱虛的病理變化。陽虛者,其LF為14.74±1.01,能量較正常低,而HF在正常範圍,為60.46±40.32,兩者間的比值只有0.36±0.18。 結論 心博間頻率變異可測出自律神經的變化調節,而頻域分析可反映自律神經活性。本研究探討自律神經活性與中醫體質學陰陽平衡,正常人的交感神經頻譜能量相互平衡,但植物人則自律神經活性低,屬中醫的陰陽俱虛,至於陽虛者則只有較低的交感神經頻譜,至於自律神經活性與中醫體質的相關,則要大量資訊測是及臨床體質去分析,才能得到肯定答案。


Background. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the major system controlling the visceral activities ANS contains both sympathetic and parasympathetic function and coordinates the activity of a specific organ. In this study, we measured heart rate variability (HRV) as an interactive determinant of ANS, and correlated ANS functions with Chinese medical constitution. Methods. In this study we measured the patients’ pulse rates and electrocardiography signals and then transformed the data into HRV ratios and spectral energy ratios to represent ANS functions. Three groups were studied in order to correlate HRV findings with the Chinese medical constitution. Healthy subjects were used as the control group (Yin-yang balance); patients in a vegetate state were categorized as being Yin-yang vacuity. Persons who were categorized as yang vacuity in Chinese medical constitution. Results. In the control group, the sympathetic HRV (LF) was 44.34±26.64, and the parasympathetic HRV (HF) was 50.36±25.38. The ratio (LF/HF) was 0.92±0.35. That is, LF was balanced with HF, and the patient was considered to be in a homeostatic state. On the other hand, patients in a vegetate state had LF readings of 5.35±1.12, and HF readings of 6.11±2.53. Persons, who were categorized as being Yang vacuity, had an average LF reading of 14.74±1.01. Although HF was within the normal range (60.46±40.32), the ratio between LF and HF was only 0.36±0.18. Conclusions. Our results provide useful information for the relationship between Chinese medical constitution and ANS activity. The procedure is non-invasive, and it could help physicians to make a reliable clinical diagnosis in the Chinese medicine constitution.
