  • 期刊


Effects of Ages and Culm Height Positions on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Flattened Board from Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)


本研究除比較不同竹齡(2至4年生)及竹稈高度(基部至梢部)之孟宗竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)展開板之物理及機械性質外,並探討二者對其展平率(Flattening ratio)之影響。試驗結果顯示,竹展開板之密度係以成熟竹稈(3及4年生)之梢部製備者較高,而24 h吸水率、吸水厚度膨脹率及回彈率則皆以成熟竹稈之中段及基部製備者表現為佳。另外,竹齡及竹稈高度對竹展開板質量損失率之影響均無明顯之趨勢。在抗彎強度方面,係以成熟竹材製備之竹展開板較高,但不同竹稈高度製備者則無顯著差異。另一方面,竹材經展平處理後,表面顏色會加深;其中,又以未成熟竹材(2年生)製備之竹展開板ΔE*值較低。此外,竹齡及竹稈高度對竹展開板之展平率均無明顯之影響,其展平率均可達95%以上。


孟宗竹 竹齡 竹高度 竹展開板 展平率


The purpose of this study is not only to investigate the effects of ages (2 to 4 years old) and culm height positions (bottom to top) on the physical and mechanical properties of flattened board of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens), but also to evaluate the flattening ratio after flattening treatment. The experimental results showed that a higher density of flattened bamboo board was found by using the top position of older bamboo (3–4 years old), while the smaller values upon 24 h water absorption, thickness swelling, and springback were observed by using the middle and bottom positions of older bamboo. In addition, the mass loss did not differ significantly among different bamboo ages and culm height positions after flattening treatment. In terms of the flexural strength of flattened board, a higher strength was observed by using the older bamboo, but there was no significant difference among different culm height positions. On the other hand, the surface color of specimens became darker after flattening treatment, and the ΔE* value of younger bamboo (2 years old) was lower than that of older bamboo. Moreover, the ages and culm height positions had no significant effect on flattening ratio of flattened bamboo board. The flattening ratio of all samples could reach to more than 95%.
