  • 期刊


Student Perceptions of Innovative Teaching Methods Used in a Pediatric Nursing Clinical Course


「嚴重急性呼吸道症候群(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS)」此新興傳染病爆發造成當時在醫院進行實習課程的師生,撤離實習單位改採其他方式完成實習課程,因此兒科教師群研擬出模擬臨床情境之「實習教學活動」。教師們依臨床情境、疾病型態及不同年齡層研擬個案情境,以實習小組學習的方式進行案例討論、模擬病房及角色扮演等教學活動。師生們經由校內實施「實習教學活動」的經驗中,經歷有別於以往的實習方式。 本研究採質性研究法,深入訪談十二位護生了解學生於此次創新策略下實習之學習歷程,結果發現針對小組討論,護生正向的感受有:能統整學理知識、清楚護理過程之概念、反省自己的思考模式、重返病房實習時較能應用學理於實務;負向的感受則有:討論會時間冗長無趣、擔心被老師糾正而不敢發言、喜歡眞實情境的挑戰。在遊戲設計方面護生皆抱持正面肯定之反應,認為能發揮創意、成品能於實務情境應用。藉由觀看SARS研習光碟自學部份則認為能習得最新傳染病防護技能,然而負面回饋方面為光碟片畫質差、無臨場感。在模擬病房部份包括有角色扮演、拍攝錄影帶、技術演練及考核則可以引發主動參與之興趣、同儕合作及支持、不必擔心犯錯傷害到自己或病人、能增進人際互動溝通之技能。本研究以學習者為中心深入了解護生對於學習活動設計之回饋,得到的結果可作為護理教師於設計實習學習活動時的參考。


The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 forced faculty members and student nurses to temporarily leave hospitals. Consequently, innovative teaching activities mimicking various pediatric clinical situations were designed by pediatric faculty members. Each faculty member led a group of 7-8 students in a series of innovative teaching activities, including discussing case studies, designing activities for pediatric patients, and role playing in the simulation lab, with the activities lasting several weeks. This qualitative study aimed to understand how the students evaluated the innovative teaching methods and how these methods helped them achieve the objectives of the clinical practicum. A total of 12 students were interviewed, and the students exhibited both positive and negative responses to different activities. To summarize, innovative teaching activities may be considered an adjunct to clinical practice in the future. The results of this investigation can provide a reference for future course design.


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