  • 期刊


A Study of Relevance between Japan's Regional Innovation System and Industry Cluster - The Case of Kyushu Robot Industry


隨著全球經濟發展演變,日本政府意識到國家競爭力不足以因應整體經濟之變革,故積極推行大學教育改革及發展大學的創投事業,並由經濟產業省推動「產業群聚計劃」,藉由啟動區域創新之鏈,活化地域經濟資源,冀求提昇國家總體競爭力。近年因高齡化、少子化、勞動結構產生遽變等問題日益嚴重,是故,日本政府2016年提出了超智慧社會(Society 5.0)的願景,並於新經濟成長戰略中將機器人產業列為發展重點。本文藉由文獻回顧梳理創新政策與產業群聚效果之關連性,並以日本九州機器人產業群聚為個案,佐以觀察創新政策內涵對於產業群聚興起及結構變化的效果,期以觀察政策之運用與產業群聚形成之關連性,藉以確立創新要素之角色與定位,提出相關議題的發現與省思。


With the evolution of global economic development, the Japanese Government is aware of insufficient competitiveness itself to respond the overall economic transformation. Therefore, the Government zealously drives innovation of higher education and develop the venture capital business for all universities; also under the hand of Ministry of Economy to drive "Industry Cluster Scheme" to start up the chain of regional innovation, activate the regional economic resources, and hope to promote Japan's entire competitiveness. But, noticed the sudden changes induced by severe problems of aged society, the tendency of fewer children and labor structure, the Japanese Government in 2016 proposed the vision of Society 5.0 in their New Grand Strategy of Economic Growth and spotlights Robot Industry a development priority. On the strength of bibliography to coordinate the result relevance of Regional Innovation System among Industry Clusters by the case of Kyushu Robot' Industry cluster to observe the effects of contents of Regional Innovation System against the rise and structure change of Industry Cluster. We want to observe the relevance of application of Innovation System and Industry Cluster, and by means to establish the role and position of Elements of Innovation, then raise the observation and reflection of related issues.
