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Study on the Health-Promoting Lifestyle of College Student-Athletes: A Case Study of Division I in the University Volleyball League




Introduction: Division I players are the most outstanding among volleyball athletes in Taiwan. The physical and mental health as well as the lifestyle of athletes can greatly influence their performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the current status of health-promoting behaviors among players from Division I in the University Volleyball League. We also explored how factors such as gender, age, years played, training hours, and athletic trainer availability affected these behaviors. Methods: The study participants consisted of 322 male and female Division I players from collegiate volleyball leagues. The Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Short Form (HPLP-S) was used as the research instrument. Results: (1) Overall, volleyball players displayed a moderate level of health-promoting lifestyles. (2) There were no significant differences in health-promoting lifestyles based on gender, but males scored higher than females in the subscales of health responsibility and physical activity. (3) Age and years of experience did not show significant correlations with health-promoting lifestyles. However, age was significantly correlated with the subscales of self-actualization, health responsibility, and stress management. Years of experience were significantly correlated with the self-actualization subscale. (4) Training hours did not show significant differences in health-promoting lifestyles, but there were significant differences in the stress management subscale. (5) The presence of athletic trainers in the team significantly influenced health-promoting lifestyles, with teams having athletic trainers showing better results compared to teams without athletic trainers. Conclusion: (1) Overall, there is room for improvement in the health-promoting lifestyles of volleyball players. It is important to enhance the promotion and awareness of health-promoting lifestyles among volleyball athletes. (2) Increasing the presence of athletic trainers or encouraging athletes to participate in health care courses can be beneficial.


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