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An Investigation into the Achievement Motivation of the First Division Soccer Players in Taiwan


本研究採用運動取向問卷(Spurt Orientation Ouestionnaite, SDD)爲測量工具,探討不同性別國手級與非國手級足球員,以及男、女各球隊之間,在成就動機中競爭性、勝利取向、目標取向上之差異。本研究以參加第十二屆全國力霸杯男子甲組足球聯賽八支隊伍球員,及第五屆全國金車杯女子甲組足球聯賽七支隊伍球員爲對象,於民國84年2月10日至3月11日期間進行施測,共得到有效問卷250份,以獨立樣本單因予及二因予變異數分析進行資料處理,得到以下的結論: (一)男足球員在競爭性與目標取向上顯著優於女足球員,男國手級足球員的勝利取向顯著高於女國手級足球員。 (二)男子球隊在成就動機的三個向度上之比較: 1.台電隊的競爭性和目標取向均顯著高於北銀隊。 2.台電隊的勝利取向分別顯著的高於後利和北銀等隊,大同隊的勝利取向亦顯著書於北銀隊。 3.在男子球隊之間,台電隊具有最高的成就動機。 (三)女子球隊在成就動機的三個向度上之比較: 1.醒專隊的競爭性和目標取向均顯著高於銘傅隊。 2.醒專、高鳳及國體等隊的勝利取向,分別顯著的高於銘傳隊。 3.在女子球隊之間,醒專隊具有最佳的成就動機。


This study used a Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) as measurement device to investigate the difference in achievement motivation between individual soccer players of both sexes at both national and non-national levels, and between teams of both sexes. (Achievement motivation was divided into 3 sections-competitiveness, win orientation and goal orientation). The participants in this study were the eight teams playing in the 12th National Rebar Cup First Division Soccer League, and the seven teams playing in the 5th National King Car Cup Women's First Division Soccer League. The questionnaire was done during the period of February 10th to March 11th 1995, and 250 effective copies were obtained. The information obtained was processed using independent sample one way ANOVA and two way ANOVA analysis and the following results were obtained: 1) The competitiveness and goal orientation of male soccer players were significant superior to those of female players. The win orientation of male players at national team level was significant higher that of female players at the same level. 2) Comparing the three aspects of achievement motivation for the men's teams, the following results were obtained: i) The competitiveness and goal orientation of Taiwan Power Company were significant superior to those of Taipei Bank. ii) The win orientation of Taiwan Power Company was significant superior to that of the National Taiwan P.E. college, Junli and Taipei Bank. Tatung's win orientation was also significant superior to that of Taipei Bank. iii) The achievement motivation of Taiwan Power Company was the most superior in the men's teams. 3) Comparing the three aspects of achievement motivation for the women's teams, the following results were obtained: i) The competitiveness and win orientation of Hsingwu Institute were significant superior to those of Ming-chuan College. ii) The win orientation of Hsingwu Institute, Kaofeng and the National Taiwan P.E. College were significant superior to that of Ming-chuan College. iii) The achievement motivation of Hsingwu Institute was the most superior in the women's teams.
