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Analysis of Matched Statistics of Women’s Singles Badminton Tournament in Malaysia Open 2013


目的:本研究之目的為探討2013 年馬來西亞超級系列羽球賽中,不同晉級的女子單打選手在比賽中所使用的五種羽球技術是否具有顯著差異情形。方法:本次研究範圍是以2013年馬來西亞羽球公開賽女子單打以晉級會內賽選手為研究對象。完全以官方網站之比賽紀錄進行統計並由單因子變異數分析,最後以雪費事法後比較。結果:殺球得分以第三局晉級16強使用數顯著的大於8 強與32 強。網前球得分以第三局晉級16 強使用球數顯著的大於32強。後場球得分以第一局及第三局16 強使用球數顯著的皆大於32 強。其他球得分以第一局及第三局晉級16 強使用球數顯著的大於8 強與32。結論:綜合以上結果顯示16 強的不同得分技術皆大於其他晉級。這代表16 強的競爭較為激烈,因此在雙方得分上較其他晉級更多。


Purpose: This research considers women’s singles in Malaysia Super Series 2013 to compare the amounts of scoring between five techniques in different rounds. Methodology: We used women’s singles in round of 32, semi quarter final, quarter final, semi final and final as research objects. The records were from the official website. We applied ANOVA to test the significance of difference between five techniques for scoring and then use scheffe method to do the post-hoc analysis. Results: 1) The amounts of smash in the third game of semi quarter final is more than of quarter final and of round of 32. 2) The amounts of net shot in the third game of semi quarter final is more than of round of 32. 3) Other kinds of techniques in the first game and third game of semi quarter final are more than of quarter final and round of 32. Conclusion: The experimental results show that the amounts of scoring of different techniques used in semi quarter final are more than other rounds. It indicates that semi quarter final is more of keen competition than other rounds so that the scores are more than others.


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