  • 期刊


Effects of the Substitution Ratio of Sweet Potato Powders on Qualities of Steam Dumpling Crusts




In this study, three kinds of sweet potato powders (Tainung No. 57, No. 66 and No. 73) were substituted for wheat flour, with 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30% substitution ratio respectively, to making steamed dumpling dough. The prepared steam dumpling dough was used to analyze the cooking weight gains, color, texture profile, and sensory evaluation and conduct the frozen storage experiments at -18℃ to investigate the impact of sweet potato powders on the quality of steamed dumpling dough. The results show that the steamed dumpling dough made of sweet potato powders gains weight after cooking. However, the weight remained the same regardless of how long it was frozen. In terms of color, the L value decreased and the a value slowly increased as the additional amount of the sweet potato powders increased for both steamed and uncooked dumpling dough. The steamed dumpling dough consisting of Tainung No. 57 and 66 showed an increase in b value. However, the steamed dumpling dough consisting of Tainung No. 73 showed a gradual decrease in b values. The frozen dumpling dough also indicated similar color changes. Regarding to the texture profile analysis, the hardness of the dumping dough increased when the substitution ratio of sweet potato powder increased but the cohesiveness, chewiness and springiness did not show any significant changes. The sensory evaluation results show that the additional sweet potato powders in steamed dumpling dough did not create a better quality in terms of appearance and color, compared to the traditional products. However, it did receive a better rating in chewiness and overall acceptability. Particularly, the dumpling consisting of 5% of No. 57 received the highest overall acceptability.




