  • 期刊


Effects of Cooking Treatment on Physical Properties and Microstructure of Black Beans


Cooking is an important step of black bean during processing. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the physical properties and the microstructure of black bean (Tainan No.5) during cooking. The results showed that the water absorption, ratio of volume to swelling and solid loss ratio of black bean remained steady as the cooking time increased (r^2<0.86). The hardness decreased as the cooking time increased (r^2<0.92). Soaking and cooking pressure can increase the water absorption and ratio of volume to swelling of black bean, decreased the solid loss ratio and promoted black bean softened faster. On the microstructure observation of black bean, cooking promoted the outside seed coat cracked but the inside structure became flat and smooth. Cooking pressure can decrease the cracks of the outside seed coat. On the inspection of dyed protein micro section, the pectin of seed coat dissolved that induced the seed coat and cotyledon separated. After cooking, the cotyledon cells swollen, the shape became longer and the structure cracked. But cotyledon cells still keep a complete form. The results of this paper may be helpful for manufacturing black bean products and verified the reason of difficulty in cooking.


Cooking is an important step of black bean during processing. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the physical properties and the microstructure of black bean (Tainan No.5) during cooking. The results showed that the water absorption, ratio of volume to swelling and solid loss ratio of black bean remained steady as the cooking time increased (r^2<0.86). The hardness decreased as the cooking time increased (r^2<0.92). Soaking and cooking pressure can increase the water absorption and ratio of volume to swelling of black bean, decreased the solid loss ratio and promoted black bean softened faster. On the microstructure observation of black bean, cooking promoted the outside seed coat cracked but the inside structure became flat and smooth. Cooking pressure can decrease the cracks of the outside seed coat. On the inspection of dyed protein micro section, the pectin of seed coat dissolved that induced the seed coat and cotyledon separated. After cooking, the cotyledon cells swollen, the shape became longer and the structure cracked. But cotyledon cells still keep a complete form. The results of this paper may be helpful for manufacturing black bean products and verified the reason of difficulty in cooking.
