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Enhancing the Teaching Quality of Clinical Skill Using Serial OSCEs and its Related Workshops for Teachers and Students-Experience from a Teaching Hospital


背景與目的:本研究探討教學醫院利用一系列OSCE及其相關工作坊活動促進醫院整體臨床技術訓練計畫之成效。研究方法:本院臨床技術中心OSCE考場在2011 年12月至2015年4月之間一共舉辦17次OSCE,其參加考試的學員依不同學年不同A,B,C學校可分為101至104學年及ABC組共計103名,三組學生以學程開始以前參與OSCE的經驗分別為,A組有8次,B組1次,C組0次。除100學年度只進行二次12站OSCE外101至103學年度皆進行5次OSCE,五次中有三次是採取6站(SP四站、技術操作兩站)二次採取12站(SP八站、技術操作四站);每學年度之最後一次OSCE為在本院進行之該學年度全國醫學臨床技能測驗。本研究分析歷年各組學員OSCE平均成績變化並分別觀察不同組學員之差異比較。研究結果:隨著OSCE經驗次數增加各組學員在每次測驗之表現皆能逐漸提升。雖不能完全排除測驗型式熟悉與否之影響及考題難易度差異及標準化之影響但學員經由反覆OSCE練習逐漸改善後續表現的趨勢也是顯而易見。結論:本研究結果顯示由教學醫院舉辦數次OSCE活動可以有效協助學員逐漸提升其OSCE表現,教學醫院的臨床技能訓練計畫如本研究所描述以數次OSCE模擬考試及其相關之試題開發、考官、標準化病人訓練工作坊是符合現代醫學教育思維及提升整體臨床技術訓練水準之有效臨床技能訓練模式。




Background: This study analyzes the effectiveness of the clinical skill training program through series of objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and related workshop for standard patients and teachers in a teaching hospital. Methods: During the school year from Dec, 2011 to May, 2015, the clinical skill center held seventeen OSCEs. The cohort of students (a total of 103 examinees) come from two different medical schools in Taiwan (group A, B) and group C from foreign medical schools. With regards to the experience of participating in the OSCE before: Group A had experienced it eight times; Group B one time, Group C had no experience of OSCE. Groups A, B and C had attended the five OSCEs in each school year. Regarding the five exams in each school year, three of them adopted six stations (four SP stations, two skill operating stations), and twe had adopted 12 stations (eight SP stations, four skill operating stations). The performances of students were analyzed. Results: Though the difficulty of each test still need further standardized, with the increased experience in the OSCE, the performance of students improves. The embedment of several OSCE sessions in the teaching programs is not only be used as training and evaluation tools, but also developed the clinical skill train facility include both teachers and SPskill gain more confidence for the national OSCE unified test. Conclusions: Our results show that a number of OSCEs in teaching hospital could effectively assist students to enhance their OSCE performance and lack of test format familiarity is an important factor for the poor performance. The clinical skills training program in the teaching hospital, as illustrated in this study, is in line with modern medical educational thinking and the clinical skill training mode of national exam policies.


Clinical Skill OSCE performance


