  • 期刊


The Paradigm Shifts of Clinical Skill Examination in Post-Pandemic Era


臨床技能關係醫療品質與病人安全,臨床技能測驗不能只用紙筆等平面試題,需要臨床實作評量。台灣高標準臨床技能測驗(High-stakes Examination)以醫師證照及專科護理師認證為代表。2019年底襲擊全球的COVID-19疫情致使臨床教育大受影響,使臨床實作測驗發生困難。2021年1月美國突然宣布永遠停止USMLE Step 2cs考試,此舉引發對測驗花費、測驗品質及科技進展等情況進行檢視。台灣雖然不至於因為疫情或是測驗花費而使臨床技能測驗辦不下去,但美國在臨床技能測驗的重大改變,很值得我們以創新思維而破局規劃臨床測驗之未來。


Current research in patient-physician communication has concentrated on that between doctors and patients. However, in our opinion, how physicians and other medical personnel communicate should also be included as part of patient-physician communication since healthcare workers, including doctors, rarely work alone. In this review, we combed through the literature and discovered two themes. One concentrated on how physicians communicate with patients having different or multiple health conditions. The other focused on how physicians in the Balint group or in the emergency room communicate with their colleagues. We would like to stress that communication among medical personnel is of crucial importance, as it would increase self-awareness and promote mutual understanding. Therefore, research on patient-physician communication should not be limited to "how to gain the patient's trust" and "how to equip physicians with proper communication skills" only. It should also entail "how to empower medical personally, chiefly physicians, to communicate with patients and their colleagues".
