  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of Network-Assisted Instruction on the Course "Health and Figure Management"


目的:本研究旨在實證網路輔助教學策略介入「健康與體態管理」課程的學習成效。方法:以T科技大學兩班共75名學生為研究對象,分別施予18週不同的教學策略,其中一班為實驗組接受網路輔助教學,另一班為對照組接受傳統教學。在課程實施前與後,兩組學生皆接受學科內容的前測及後測,課餘時間皆須從事多元運動,並詳實記錄於運動日記表。所得量化資料以描述性統計、單因子相依樣本與獨立樣本t檢定、共變數分析等統計方法分析處理,並輔以質性資料分析。結果:經由18週不同教學策略實驗介入後,可發現(一)術科知識的學習可促進學生運動觀念與技術的培育與規律運動習慣的養成;(二)在學科知識的學習成效上,針對學習起始點上基礎知識較為低落之學生(前測成績等於或小於64.32 分者),網路輔助教學策略顯著的優異於傳統教學策略。結論:經本研究之實證,網路輔助教學策略之介入的確可提昇學生對體育課程的學習興致,亦可有效促發正向的學習成效;至於網路輔助教學策略對學習成效的正向顯著效益,僅成立於起始成績低落的學生群,而此發現是否成立於其他學科之中,值得接受進一步地檢驗。


Purpose: The objective of this study was to verify the learning effectiveness of network-assisted instruction intervening in ”health and figure management” course. Methods: Two classes and seventy-five students participated in this study. One class was the experimental group received a network-assisted instruction for 18 weeks, while the other class was the comparable group received a traditional teaching for 18 weeks. All the students in both groups received a pre-test at the first week and a post-test at the last week, respectively. The detailed sport records after school were recorded in a diary table. The quantitative data were analyzed by statistic methods. Results: On both the establishment of sports concept, technology training and regular exercise habits cultivation and the assistance toward course knowledge absorption for students lacking basic knowledge, the experimental group performed a significantly positive difference as compared with the comparable group. Conclusion: It was verified that the network-assisted instruction strategy could promote positive learning effectiveness and learning interest on physical education course. Further examination should be conducted on examining whether the assistance towards course knowledge absorption for students lacking basic knowledge exists in other fields or not.


吳明隆(2008)。SSPS 操作與應用—變異數分析實務。臺北市:五南圖書。
