  • 期刊


Relationships between the collegial Sportscape, Loyalty and Satisfaction perceived by students in physical education classes




體育場 運動 比賽 參與意願 服務品質


The purpose of this investigation was to explore relationships between the collegial sportscape, loyalty and satisfaction perceived by students in physical education classes in 4 universities. The subjects were 750 students participated the physical education classes in Taiwan. The method was questionnaire. The instrument was the scale composited the collegial sportscape, loyalty and satisfaction for students in physical education classes. Those data were collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. Those results were as in the follows: (a) the loyalty perceived by students was significantly predicted by sport facilities, intramural sport activities, and physical education classes with the predictive power of 22.5%. (b) the satisfaction perceived by them was significantly predicted by sport facilities, loyalty, intramural sport activities, and physical education classes with the predictive power of 53.3%. In conclusion, the loyalty perceived by collegial students was significantly predicted by sportscapes in physical education classes. In addition, the satisfaction perceived by them was significantly predicted by sportscapes and the loyalty in physical education classes. It advised that managers of the university needed to improve the quality of the collegial sportscape, to enhance the quality of physical education classes, to promote the intramural sport activities, and to enhance the loyalty and satisfaction of collegial students.


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