  • 期刊


Resolving International Incidents Involving Taiwan Sports Organizations From a Crisis Management Perspective


本文從危機管理觀點,審視回顧2018年至2019年我國體育團體(National Sports Federations, NFs)面臨的四項重大國際事件之起源、處理過程和結果:1.國際奧林匹克委員會(International Olympic Committee, IOC)針對臺灣民間發起「東奧正名公投」兩次正式來函,表示不同意更名,務必遵守1981協議(1981 Agreement);2.國際足球總會(Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA)要求中華民國足球協會(Chinese Taipei Football Association, CTFA)逕依FIFA及亞洲足球聯盟(Asian Football Confederation, AFC)小組指導原則,即刻提報理事會改選作業計畫;3.台中東亞青年運動會(East Asian Youth Games, EAYG)籌備會主任委員和中華奧林匹克委員會主席,抗議東亞奧林匹克委員會(East Asian Olympic Committee, EAOC)未依其憲章程序決議取消該運動會及籌辦合約,要求交涉與申復;4.世界反運動禁藥機構(World Anti-Doping Agency, WADA)發函中華運動禁藥管制機構(Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Agency, CTADA)針對所轄運動員違反禁藥規定後,並未妥為處理及管理,要求限時提供合理解釋或具體改正。這四項體育國際重大事件雖然都已暫時落幕,惟從危機管理的觀點,包括:危機發生前的風險評估與預防機制,以及在緊急處理過程中,體育團體和政府的角色扮演與具體作為,和危機事件之後的復原與學習,實有必要將事件始末,處理過程與結果等加以整理並深入探討,成為特定體育團體良善治理與政府行政管理之參考。


This research reviews, from a crisis management perspective, the initiation, processing, and outcomes of four international incidents that involved Taiwan sport organizations and were initiated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), East Asian Olympic Committee (EAOC), and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in the years 2018 and 2019. 1. The deputy director-general of the IOC issued two letters, dated May 4 and November 16, 2018, to the chairman of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee (CTOC) and the director-general of the Sports Administration; the letters were intended to ensure that the naming practices of the National Olympic Committee of Taiwan followed the 1981 Agreement and Olympic Charter regardless of the results of the referendum proposed by Taiwanese citizen, thereby avoiding unnecessary complications. 2. The secretary-general of FIFA issued two letters, dated May 4 and July 21, 2018, to the general-secretary of the Chinese Taipei Football Association to urge the association to prepare a concrete electoral proposal by July 24 or be reported to the Bureau of Council, which might establish a normalization committee. 3. The mayor of Taichung City and the chairman of the CTOC issued urgent letters to the chairman of the EAOC on July 30, 2018, to dispute and appeal the decision of the EAOC to withdraw from the 2019 Taichung East Asian Youth Games and nullify the contract for organizing the 2019 Taichung Youth Games. 4. The director of the Law Department of the WADA issued a letter on March 6, 2019, to the director of the Chinese Taipei Anti-Doping Agency to request a reasonable explanation and immediate correction of certain incidents on a case-by-case basis. These four cases involving Taiwan sport organizations may affect Taiwan's society if they are not processed in an appropriate and timely manner. Although these four incidents were temporally resolved through extensive, collaborative efforts involving the government and sport organizations, they provide valuable insights that can help the relevant authorities to improve their crisis management governance and administration.


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