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Comprehensive Evaluation of Basic Living Skill Questionaire for Psychiatric Patients Set-up Reliability and Validity


社區精神醫學的崛起推動長期住院精神病人之復歸社會運動,然而病人受本身疾病之影響;及長期住院造成其智力、情感及生活功能等方面退化,並傾向依賴醫院生活。要讓精神病人成功地復歸社區,必須先重建他們獨立處理自己的日常生活功能。研究者設計一份「日常生活功能問卷表」,用以評估精神病人的日常生活功能及擬定復健目標之依據。本篇研究將探討本問卷表之信度與效度,對象取60名精神病人及60名正常人,男女各半,年齡分佈14~43歲,教育程度為小學畢業以上。研究結果:顯示病人的日常生活功能較正常人為差。本問卷表信度分析:由60名病人之再測信度(test-retest reliability) γ=0.889,為信賴範圍,顯示信度很高。效度分析:60名正常人測驗結果平均得分高達90分(%),證明正常人能處理問卷表中假想之生活問題。而60名病人測驗結果與其在職能治療活動中表現成正向相關,並與家屬及治療者對其實際生活作觀察所作的評量成正向相關,從以上結果顯示問卷表的評量結果與病人實際生活功能相符合,證明本問卷表具有效度。




According to the effectiveness of psychotic symptoms or long-term hospitalization, many of the psychiatric patients were often unable to perform basic living skills appropriately, such as deficits in the area of personal hygiene and appreance, money management, use of public transportation, and the use of leisure time. These inappropriate fashion makes the client appear out of place the community and contributes to his isolation. Although the importance of these skills is recognized and treatment in this area is offered in many psychiatric settings, but no detailed evaluation of basic living skills for psychiatric clinics has been published. The Authors design a Complehensive Evaluation of Basis living Skills (CEBLS) questionaire for psychiatric patients to assess various conditions of the patients during the Occupational Therapy section. This CEBLS composed of 3 parts: (1) basic data (2) daily living activity (3) basic numeracy and common sense of socialization. It has 52 items to screen basic living skill of the patients. The questionaire was given to a group of 60 psychiatric inpatients attending the Occupational Therapy department of Taipei City Psychiatric Center and National Taiwan University Hospital, and to the other group of 60 normal persons. Both the patients and normal groups were at least graduate from primary school and the range of age were 14-43 years old. To determine the reliability of CEBLS twice of the tests (Test-Restest) was given to patients group with seven days interval. The result shows good reliability (γ=889, p<.001). To determine the validity, average scores on the test for patients group and normal group were compared. The normal group scores 90.03 (range: 77-99) were significantly higher than the patients 70 (range: 14-93). This study also used the COTES to test the validity, the result showed that CEBLS scores of the patients are closely related to it. Besides, we found that CEBLS scores of the patients are also closely related to the result of ”Intensive, observer's rating sheet” of the family and Occupational Therapist. Therefore CEBLS questionaire is recommended for use in psychiatric hospital for functional evaluation.




