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A Survey of the Barrier-Free of Environment University Campus for Students with Physical Disabilities


本研究的目的在瞭解目前肢體障礙大學生對於校園內無障礙環境的設置現況、使用頻率、需求度、滿意度,以及其認為需要改進的需求調查。 研究對象為九十一學年度就讀南部地區公私立大學領有身心障礙手冊的肢體障礙學生共333人,實際有效樣本為109人,其中輕、中度者佔73.5%,不用輔具者佔72.2%。採問卷調查法進行資料收集,以研究者自編問卷為研究工具。以描述性統計、卡方檢定、皮爾森相關係數、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與杜凱事後分析等統計方法進行研究分析。 研究結果顯示,約七成五到九成的肢體障礙學生其目前就讀學校都已設置符合法規的無障礙設施,且大部分的學生可以獨立進出及使用;有七成的肢障學生其目前就讀的學校並不提供無障礙教學與學習設備,同時學生也覺得不需要或已經足夠。無障礙設施設備的使用頻率與需求度成正相關,但無障礙設施設備的滿意度與使用頻率、需求度則未有一致的相關性。設有無障礙設施學校學生比未設有無障礙設施學校學生有較高的需求度。改進建議則以規劃與設計的需求項目最多,管理方面的建議次之。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the needs of barrier-free environment of campus for college students with physical disabilities. 333 college students with physical disabilities in southern Taiwan were selected and only109 completed the questionnaire ”Survey of the University Campus Barrier-Free Environment” in 2002. The data from the questionnaire were summarized and analysed through descriptive statistic, Chi-square test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA and Tukey methods. The major findings were summarized as follows: (1) 75% to 90% of respondents indicated that barrier-free facilities were set up at their university due to the law requirement, and most of them feel comfortable to use those facilities. (2) About 70% respondents indicated that their schools did not provide assistant devices for their learning in the classrooms, and they did not think those devices are necessary, either. (3) Positive correlations were found between the using frequencies and the level of need in terms of barrier-free facilities. But no correlation was found between user satisfaction, using frequencies and their level of need. (4) Most students suggested that the enhanced planning and design of barrier-free facilities are needed. In addition, the improving management and maintenance of barrier-free facilities were also suggested. According to the conclusions, several suggestions were proposed for campus, students and future studies.


