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Evaluating Availability Performance in Equipment Maintenance-Semiconductor Testing Machine as an Example


對於現今工廠設備維護來看,應具備簡潔化、高效率、高可用性和維護技術科技化、電腦化,才能使工廠設備生產市場上有競爭力之產品,並迅速反應顧客的多樣需求,所以本研究利用模擬技術分析設備維護的績效。設備維護的主要責任為增强機器設備使用能力、創造利潤,通常以最大化可用度為目標,在作業條件限制下,使設備保持優良的服務品質。因此,本研究以半導體後段晶片檢驗機台為分析對象,在設備維護週期機制提供的維護時程安排下,基於模擬工具的優點考量,藉此作為輔助工具,分析與評估增加平均失效間隔時間(Mean Time Between Failure, MTBF)、與降低平均修理時間(Mean Time To Repair, MTTR)兩者間對系統可用度的影響,以利設備維護管理所應側重的方針,分析結果可提供設備維護管理者下達決策時的參考依循,並提昇工廠營運效率。本研究提出一分析過程,發現在考慮成本投資相同下,延長平均失效間隔時間可用度提升較有成效。


設備維護 可用度 模擬工具


Preventive maintenance should have the abilities of succinctness, high-efficiency, high-usability, the technology ability of preventive maintenance and computerization. The factory can make more competitive products, and prompt respond to customers' variety needs. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the availability performance in equipment maintenance using simulation technology. The major responsibility of equipment maintenance is to increase equipment utility and to create benefit. Generally, factory based on operation condition will set the maxima utility as the target, and keep the excellent service quality of equipments. This research focuses on semiconductor testing machine. Under preventive maintenance scheduling provided by maintenance interval mechanism, we analyze and evaluate the interaction to availability when extending Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and reducing Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). The analysis results will provide reference information to the manager for decision making and increase the factory operation efficiency. This research proposes an analytical process for testing machine to improve the availability and also find out that extended MTBF would be better decision in the same cost investment.


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