  • 期刊


A Case Study on the Development of an Elementary School Science Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge


本研究旨在探討一位國小自然科教師學科教學知識的發展,以及學生對其教師學科教學改變之知覺情形,最後探討教師在教學上的改變因素。研究方法採個案研究法,針對個案教師所任教班級的三十四名六年級國小學生,實施自然科的課程。研究方法進行以質與量混合的資料收集,質性資料主要是藉由錄影與錄音收集上課教學活動內容、晤談學生的資料、學習單及教師的反思日誌;量化資料包含「國小學童知覺自然老師PCK量表」進行統計上的描述性統計和t-test的分析。 本研究結果發現,經過教師教學前後的學生量表施測結果五個向度中,有四個向度有顯著差異,分別爲「鼓勵學生參與」、「學科與課程」、「評量與了解學生」與「教學表徵」。在「鼓勵學生參與」方面:能針對不同單元使用不同的教學法激發學生的學習興趣,讓學生主動參與。在「學科與課程」方面:學生明顯感受到教師自然科的專業及豐富學識。在「評量與了解學生」方面:教師非常了解學生的迷思,運用不同教學方法澄清學生迷思。在「教學表徵」方面:教學表徵愈來愈多樣化,融合教師爲中心和學生爲中心的學科教學表徵。總結而言,個案教師發展他的PCK是透過學生的回饋和不斷反思中提昇了教師的專業成長,同時也刺激學生的學習動機和興趣,進而促進學生的學習成效。建議未來研究學生知覺自然教師的PCK,研究對象的教師可以增加爲兩位以上,可以針對教師發展的PCK進一步探討和比較。


The purposes of this study were to investigate one elementary science teacher to develop his pedagogical content knowledge, to assess students' perception towards the methods of the change on their teacher, and finally to assess the factors causing the change of teacher's PCK. Based on Case Study, the study designed and implemented a science curriculum for 34 the sixth grade students in elementary school in the teacher's class from September in 2008 to January in 2009. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. The qualitative data included: the video taping on teaching activities, the record of the interviews and feedback from students, and the reflective journals from the teachers. The collection of the quantitative data included pre and post of ”The Students' Perceptions of Teacher's Knowledge”. Data analysis includes descriptive statistics and t-tests analysis. The results indicated as follows: ”In strategies of teacher' encouragement”, ”In subject-matter knowledge and curriculum”, ”In knowledge of how to assess students' understanding” and ”In representational repertoire” attain the level of significant difference. 1. In strategies of teacher' encouragement: the teacher can design different teaching activities for different units. This is stimulate students' motivation, increase students' interesting. 2. In subject-matter knowledge and curriculum: the teacher is knowledgeable. He can understand what he taught. 3. In knowledge of how to assess students' understanding: the teacher has uses various ways to improve students' mystery. 4. In representational repertoire: the teacher uses more diversity ways to represent concepts. Teacher's teaching combines teacher-centered and student-centered.


陳茹玲(2011)。國小自然科教師發展科技學科教學知識 之個案研究 —以「一起來賞月」單元為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2011.00145
