  • 期刊


Cardiopulmonary Responses to Isokinetic Concentric Exercise of the Quadriceps/ Hamstrings in Young Sprinters


研究問題與目的:過去研究探討阻力運動對心血管的反應,大多在等長和等張運動下觀察,很少探討等速運動對短跑運動員心血管之影響,因此本文主要目的在於探討股四頭肌/大腿後肌等速向心運動計劃對於年輕短跑選手的心肺反應之影響。研究方法:本實驗受試者共有12名男性短跑選手,年齡為18至23歲。所有受試者先進行最大運動之實驗測試(同時記錄心跳率、血壓、攝氧量、氣體交換率等),其次再進行右腳膝部等速向心運動計畫為分別在角速度60˚、180˚、250˚、250˚、180˚、60˚/S下最大收縮十次,在每次測試速度之間不休息,且在等速運動結束後量測心跳率、血壓、換氣量、攝氧量、呼吸交換率等。利用SPSS10.0版統計分析軟體中,配對t檢測(paired t test),P< 0.05統計數值為有顯著差異。研究結果:在股四頭肌/大腿後肌的等速運動中平均收縮壓(152 ±13.9毫米汞柱)、舒張壓(76 ± 8.0毫米汞柱)、心跳率(107 ± 19.4次數/分鐘)、換氣量(50± 20.4升/分鐘)、攝氧量(24 ± 7.6毫升/公斤/分鐘)、血氧飽和度(97 ± 1.2)、心跳血壓乘積值(164.6 ± 40.0)和氣體交換率(1.7 ± 0.2)等變化隨運動的角速度變化而改變。在等速度運動時之攝氧量約佔最大攝氧量之42%,其變化屬於心肺反應之中度刺激但血壓改變約佔最大運動測試之92%,屬於高度刺激。建議:短跑運動員執行股四頭肌/大腿後肌的等速向心運動的肌力訓練時要特別注意血壓的變化。


Background: The cardiopulmonary responses of resistance exercise during the isometric exercise and isotonic exercise were been studied in the past. However, very few studies have examined the cardiopulmonary responses to the isokinetic concentric exercise. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the cardiopulmonary responses to isokinetic concentric exercise of quadriceps/hamstrings in young sprinters Methods: Twelve men young sprinters (18 to 23 year) were recruited for this study. All performed the maximal exercise test and concentric extension and flexion exercises of quadriceps/ hamstrings, during which heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), minute ventilation (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2), pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2), rate pressure product (RPP) and gas exchange ratio value (R) were recorded. Concentric extension and flexion exercises were performed at angular speeds of 60˚, 180˚, 250˚, 250˚, 180˚ and 60˚/sec, every angular velocity had ten times. The data were analyzed by paired t test. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The oxygen consumption during the knee concentric exercise was 42% of VO2 max with mean of the maximal aerobic capacity testing. The results indicated that the values of the cardiopulmonary responses during the isokinetic concentric exercise of quadriceps/hamstrings were within the moderate stimulation but blood pressure change must be careful.


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