  • 期刊


Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of Sage and Clary Sage


本研究選擇三種市售芳療級快樂鼠尾草(Salvia sclarea L.,Clary Sage)精油與一種鼠尾草(Salviaofficinalis L.,Sage)精油進行比較分析,利用GC-MS鑑定出其中27個主要成份,並分為酯(Ester)、醇(Alcohol)、單烯(Mono-terpene)、倍半烯(Sesqui-terpene)、酮(Ketone)、氧化物(Oxide)六類,計算建立個別的CC Profiles色環指紋圖。鼠尾草精油中含量最高的化學類別是酮類(45.78%),其中側柏酮(α-Thujone(13.38%)、β-Thujone (22.95%)),次要成分是倍半烯類(24.61%)、氧化物類(1,8-Cineole 17.71%、Caryophylene oxide 2.04%),以及單烯類(8.76%)。酯類的含量甚低,還含有少量的二醇(Sclareol 1.7%)。快樂鼠尾草精油中最大的成分是乙酸沉香酯(Linalyl acetate,61.31~73.03%),不含酮類,少量的倍半烯類與單烯類(皆<3%)。D品牌的1,8-Cineole含量(17.93%)顯著高於E、A兩品牌(皆<5%)。單醇是含量第二高的類別(約15%),但D品牌以8-Hydroxylinalool(14.13%)為主,E、A兩品牌皆以Linalool(約13%)為主。常訴求類雌激素的成分香紫蘇醇(Sclareol),在D品牌中含量最高(3.19%),顯著高於E品牌(0.28%)與A品牌(<0.01%)。綜合結果可知,Clary Sage與Sage雖同為唇形科(Lamiaceae)鼠尾草屬(Salvia),但化學組成卻有極大的差異,不可相互替代。不同品牌因精油來源的不同,組成的差異也很大。


Four kinds of commercial essential oils of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) were examined in this study. Twenty-seven major compounds were identified by GC-MS. CC profiles fingerprint was calculated and established by six families of composition. The major class of compounds found in sage oil is ketone (thujone 45.78%), the other classes are sesquiterpene (24.61%) and oxides (1,8-cineole 17.71%, caryophylene oxide 2.04%), minor amount of diterpenol (sclareol 1.7%) was also found in sage oil. The major component of commercial clary sage oil is linalyl acetate (61.31~73.03%), the amount of 1,8-cineole in brand D (17.93%) is higher than the other brands (lower than 5%), and brand D also has the highest concentration of sclareol (3.19%), claimed as a estrogen-like substances. There are significant differences between the chemical composition of sage and clary sage oil. Composition of the same clary sage oils were also varied from brand to brand. Misemploy of essential oils might present high risk when used therapeutically.


GC-MS Sage Clary sage Essential oil Aromatherapy


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