  • 期刊


The relationship marketing of life insurance companies: a four-stage perspective


目前台灣正邁入老年化社會與少子化的問題,壽險對現代人的人生風險規劃及理財有其重要性及迫切性,由於台灣壽險市場競爭越來越激烈,企業如何在趨於飽和市場中維持與提升舊有客戶的關係就顯得越趨重要,本研究從關係行銷的四個階段,即吸引、建立、維持與提升關係等發展階段,來了解公司在各個階段所用策略之異同,本研究不同於先前之研究在於採用不同經營模式之壽險業者做比較性分析,本研究透過個案分析的方式,針對台灣之人壽保險業的「壽險公司」、「壽險經紀人」、「壽險代理人」等三種不同經營模式之業者做跨個案(cross case)之比較性研究,其中,每種經營模式之業者將選出三家做個案內(within case)之比較,期能找出三種經營模式之業者在關係行銷運用上之異同。本研究發現在吸引階段,由於壽險公司資源最多,可做全國性品牌廣告,建立消費者之“心理佔有率",而壽險經紀人與壽險代理人因資源相對少,所採行的策略主要就是透過“專業優質的服務"來吸引顧客,透過人員的互動信任,進而轉化為對品牌的信任。而在建立與維持階段,三大類型壽險業者所採用的策略基本上是一樣的,基本上都脫離不了四大領域,即辦活動、廣告、專業優質服務與客戶管理系統。最後,在提升階段,由於壽險公司資源充足,其採行的提升誘因策略勝於壽險經紀人與壽險代理人,但大家都會做的手法則是採“百貨公司之禮券",因百貨公司高檔的形象對於壽險業者是有加分的效果,因此,消費者也樂於此種回饋方式。


With the emergency of low birth rate and elderly society, insurance becomes more important for risk and financial planning. Due to the intensive competitions in Taiwan insurance industry, how to maintain and upgrade the relationships with current customers therefore become crucial. This research differs from the previous is focus on the cross analysis of four stages of relationship marketing, which are attraction, establishment, maintenance and upgrading. By a comparative case study, this research tries to explore how companies maximize the performance by relationship marketing from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company. The cases include three kinds of patterns, including brand companies, insurance brokers and insurance agencies (cross case). Each case will choose three companies to interview. By a cross-case study analysis, this research tries to uncover the differences of relationship marketing strategies from the perspective of different patterns of insurance company. The findings suggest that in the attracting stages, due to the enough resources, insurance companies can exert national advertising to build up the mind share of customers. Relatively, the insurance brokers and agencies with fewer resources adopt professional services to attractive potential customers. By effective interactions, customers will transfer their trust from the sales person to the brand. In the stages of establishment and maintenance, all companies adopt the same strategies using activities, advertising, professional services and customer management system to maintain the relationship with customers. Finally, in the stage of upgrading, due to the enough resources, insurance have more resources to feedback customers, however, all the companies use the coupons of department stores, the reason could be attributing to brand image management. For customers, they are also happy to receive such kind of feedback.


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