  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience for a Stevens-Johnson Syndrome ICU Patient with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Complication




This article is to describe the intensive nursing experience of caring for a 62-year old female patient suffering from Stevens-Johnson syndrome complicating with toxic epidermal necrolysis caused by NSAID allergy. Since the skin damage was over 30% of total body surface area among this patient, resulting in life threatening situation and enormous psychological impact. She was then sent to the intensive care unit for closely monitor and care. The data were collected through face to face interview, listening, and Gordon eleven Functional Health Patterns Assessment using as a tool for nursing evaluation. The nursing care period was from March 3 to April 4 in 2015. The three identified major healthcare problems of this patients were acute pain, impaired skin integrity, and body image change. Through the whole nursing process, the author paid attention to the physiological and psychological changes of this patient, provide appropriate intensive care to stabilize vital signs, and recorded wound healing situation through photos taking in order to help this patient to understand wound healing progress and adapt the change of her body image. The author also actively listened to the patient's concerns and feelings, clarified doubts of condition, and established a very good nurse-patient relationship with patient. In addition, the author used the professional knowledge to provide direct care in preventing infection and improving pain in helping the patient to face the mental and physical impact caused by this critical disease. We expect this care experience can be a reference for providing useful information for clinical nurses.


