  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Assisting a First-Time Stroke Patient in Quitting Smoking




跨理論模式 戒菸 腦中風


This paper describes the smoking cessation nursing experience of a 50-year-old male with heavy smoking addiction during his first stroke. The care period was from April 25 to May 1, 2021, followed by two outpatient visits and three telephone interviews after discharge until June 29, 2021. Comprehensive physical assessment, interviews, and medical records were employed for data collection. The patient's health problems identified were impaired physical mobility, ineffective health maintenance, and readiness for enhanced knowledge. The nursing period encouraged positive rehabilitation to improve the muscle power of left limbs and provide knowledge of diabetic diet for blood sugar control. A transtheoretical model was adopted as the basis for assessing the stages of change and intervention measures for the patient's smoking cessation behaviors, and corresponding strategies were implemented at different stages. During the contemplation stage, the case was informed of the possible physical dysfunction caused by stroke, which strengthened his intention to quit smoking. During the preparation stage, the case jointly planned a smoking cessation plan and set achievable goals. During the action stage, the case was encouraged to express his discomfort about quitting smoking, remove smoking-inducing substances and provide social resources. Interviews with the case were conducted at the smoking cessation clinic. Continuous telephone follow-ups were implemented to understand the difficulties and results of quitting smoking. Smoking cessation is usually not achieved overnight, and it is usually more difficult for cases to quit smoking after discharge than during hospitalization. Thus, continuous follow-ups and care by medical personnel provide a boost to the individual during their smoking cessation action. The case in this paper did successfully reduce the number and frequency of smoking during the seven-week telephone follow-up. It is expected that this nursing experience can be used as a reference for medical personnel to assist such cases in smoking cessation.


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