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The Political Economy of Export-oriented Industrialization in Taiwan



國民黨政府於1956年至1961年之間,透過一連串之改革,將臺灣之經濟導向所謂的出口導向工業化的方向。如今,臺灣已迅速發展為一新興工業化國家。在本文中,吾人將探討導致此一出口導向策略成功的三個重要變項:強而有力且具有自主性的國家機關,具有發展取向意識型態的經濟官僚,與有利的美國世界體系。 根據吾人之看法,強化臺灣國家機關能力與自主性的因素包括:日本殖民主義之遺產、土地改革、美國經援、國外資本之角色、國內資本的形成、內戰、脆弱之社會力與文化因素。然而,雖然一個強而有力且具有自主性的國家機關,是獲致成功工業化的必要條件,但卻非充分條件。蓋一強力之威權政府可能會追求發展以外之其他目標,而發展取向國家機關,也可能會採取一些反生產的策略。是以在分析臺灣之成功經驗時,也必須考慮經濟官僚所持之意識型態。此外,一個有利的美國世界體系,亦提供了臺灣成功執行出口導向策略的環境。美國所提供的援助與開放的美國市場,使臺灣獲致顯著之利益。 整體而論,臺灣工業化之成功並非單一國內因素,或國際因素所造成,而係二者共同運作的結果。如果單只具備強而有力且具自主性的國家機關,與具有發展取向的經濟官僚,而無開放之國際市場,出口導向策略亦不一定能奏效。反之,即使有一有利之國際市場,若無一強而有力且具有自主性的國家機關,與具有發展取向的經濟官僚,開發中國家恐亦無法有效掌握此一外在優勢,取得發展之成果。


During the period form 1956 to 1961, the KMT government launched a package of reforms to reorient Taiwan's economy to export-oriented industrialization. To date, Taiwan has become a newly industrialized country. In this article, we will investigate three variables which might be relative to Taiwan's successful EOI: strong and autonomous state, technocrats with a developmentalist ideology, and beneficial American world system. Factors which are supposed to strengthen Taiwan's state capability and autonomy include: the Japanese colonialism legacy, land reform, the US economic aid, the role of DFI, domestic capital formation, civil war, weak social forces and culture. Although a strong and autonomous state is necessary for successful industrialization, it surely is not sufficient. Strong authoritarian regimes may pursue other goals besides development, and even developmentalist states may devise counterproductive strategies. Therefore, the economic ideologies of the economic technocrasts that dominate Taiwan's development should be taken into consideration in analyzing Taiwan's successful EOI. Besides, it is argued that a beneficial American world system allowed Taiwan to implement successfully its EOI policy. Both unprecedented levels of the U.S. aid and the openness of the American economy gave Taiwan a distinct advantage over other peripheral states. As a whole, Taiwan's success in industrialization is not a result of the operation of internal factors or international factors alone, but mixed factors including internal and international ones. Among them, a strong and effecient state, as well as a beneficial international economic system are two of the most important factors. That is to say, without the huge and open markets of the AICs, the export-led strategy of any developing country would end in failure even if it had a strong and efficient government. On the other hand, without a strong and efficient government, it will be difficult for a developing country's manufactures to well enter into the huge markets of the AICs.


