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Comparison of the Becoming Private of the National Railway Company -- To Japan & German & United Kingdom




鐵路 民營化 日本 德國 英國 車路分離


The national railway company run in the type of public business in the middle of the 70’s has gradually become worse in the business running after losing the virtue of monopolization in the transportation market. After the fail of the transformation in the internal system of the public business, one by one, all of the governments in the other countries apply the transformation method---Becoming private of the public business. In this article, we attempt to discuss about the results brought by the becoming private of the public business and the difficulties that they had encountered in the other countries by taking the examples of the becoming private of the public business in Japan and in German and in United Kingdom. Except for briefly introducing their business running and the argued questions before becoming private, also, we describe the process and contents of the becoming private in these two countries. At the same time, at the end of this article, by means of the comparing our transformation to these in these two countries, we offer the practical suggestions about the items that we should be aware of on the process of becoming private of our public business in considering of the importance of the becoming private, the responsibility whether or not the government should give up the original basic facilities, the consideration of the objects of becoming private and the setting up of the independent debt dealing institute.


railway privatization Japan German United Kingdom the road model


