  • 期刊


Technical Aesthetics in Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts




This paper starts with Jacques Derrida's reading of Sigmund Freud, and argues that although Virginia Woolf 's Between the Acts describes how local citizens gather together to enjoy a pageant play, three important techniques- writing, postal and archival-along with their technical objects frame this fiction. Writing as a technique weaves itself into the text and numerous technical objects used in the postal system (such as letters, newspapers and bills), while tele-communication and long-distance transportation (such as trains, cars, bicycles, airplanes, telephones and bells) render present the dispersed consciousness and recollection of the audience. Between the Acts further practices the Derridean archival technicity: the archival desire of this pageant play to represent English history before the Second World War is in a tug of war with the self-destructive desire within this textual archive so that this pageant play or Woolf's fiction cannot convey a unified meaning. By reading via Derrida's concepts of the scene of writing, this paper expounds on how Between the Acts as Woolf's writing of scenes renders present the said three important techniques.


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