  • 會議論文


A Study on the Interchange of Korean and Chinese Tea Culture


(一)茶の伝来:新羅には唐の茶種子が伝わり、朝鮮には清の九江道から茶碗が伝わった。(二)茶の加工利用法の伝来:唐の餅茶の煮茶法は三国時代に伝わり、宋の研膏茶の点茶法は主として高麗に伝わり、明の葉茶の泡茶法と撮泡法は朝鮮に伝わった。(三)茶と茶器の接受 唐の餅茶は高句麗と新羅に移入され、宋の蛸茶と龍鳳茶等は高麗に移入され、清の黄茶や香片等は朝鮮に移入された。一方、高麗の脳原茶は契丹に、茶は金に、香茶は元に贈られ、朝鮮の天地茶と雀香舌茶は清に贈られた。そして高麗には、建州窯と吉州窯の茶甌も伝来された。(四)茶業振興勸告:明将楊鎬は宣祖に茶馬交易を、清の李鴻章は茶輸出を勸告した。(五)茶人の交驩:羅代には陸亀蒙、皮日休、麗代には趙孟頫、鮮代には阮元と交流した。(六)茶文化の特徴:韓国の茶文化には、中国の模倣文化と習合された再構成文化と独創的を固有文化等があゐ。




I. The introduction of tea According to the hi story of the Three Kingdoms, tea was introduced to Korea at the period of Queen Sun-Duck of the Shilla dynasty, when Kim Dae-Ryeom the emissary, brought tea seeds from Tang China in 828, and sowed them on Mt. Jiri on the order of king Heung-Duck of Shilla. In 1885, The Chosun government took action to transplant 6,000 tea seedlings from Ch'ing China. II. Transmission of schools As for the type of tea prefered through out the history of Korea, it was cake-tea during the Three Kingdoms period, lump-tea during the Koryo dynasty, and leaf-tea du ring the Chosun dynasty . These were influenced by Chouges in Chinese tea culture. III. Transfer of tea and tea utensils Kokuryo and Shilla imported cake-tea from Tang China, and Koryo had to import lump-tea from Sung China, and Chosun had to import leaf-tea from Ch'ing China. On the other hand, Koryo had to export various teas to Khitai, Chin, Yuan, and Chosun had to export tea to Ch'ing China. And tea bows produced in the Sung, such as Chien Chou ware and Chi Chou ware, were also intorduced to Koryo. IV. Suggestion for the promotion of tea industry The Chosun government was adviced to exchange Chosun tea for the Chinse horse by Yang Ho (楊鎬), General to the Ming expeditionary forces in Chosun; and advised to engage in foreign tea trade by Li Hung-chang Jyang (李鴻章), minister of commerce for the nothern sea to the Ch'ing. V. Interchange of teaist between Korea and China It is reported that Korean tea masders have been communicating with Chinese tea masders since the 9th century. VI. Characteristics of Korean tea culture The fashions of tea-culture In Korea were unique, imitative and reconstitutive.




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