  • 期刊


Researching on Physical Fitness and Family Background at the Elementary Schools in Dayuan of Taoyuan




Researching into the latest physical fitness of the students at the elementary school in Da-Yuan, There are 1003 valid samples which have been divided into one to five of the percentile rank by comparing the physical fitness scores and the normal. And then the researcher has analyzed by SPSS statistical software. One of the items is the students who are from different family backgrounds which are the general students, aboriginal students, new immigrant children and physical fitness scores using ANOVA analysis. The other one is the students who are from non-single-parent, single-parent, non-low-income, and low-income and physical fitness scores of independent sample T-test analysis. The results are to understand the family background and the relationship between physical fitness scares and the researcher has also visited the students' class teachers as follows.The students in Da-yuan are tall and slim and the students' weights are behind the national average. About the scores of their physical fitness except sit-reach and run for 800 meters are in the national average. The standing-long-jump and sit-ups are both better than the national average.Aboriginal children in the each of the physical fitness are better than other children, especially in the standing-long-jump and sit-ups. For the regular students and the new immigrant children are on the top or the bottom about the physical fitness. Non-single-parent children are better than single-parent children in the each physical fitness, especially in the standing long jump. Non-low-income children are worse than low-income children in the running of 800 meters, but they are better in the others, especially in height, standing long jump.


教育部統計處。檢索日期 2013 年 5 月 9 日。取自 http://www.edu.tw/pages/list.aspx
教育部體育署體適能網站。檢索日期 2013 年 5 月 9 日。取自http://www.fitness.org.tw
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