  • 期刊


Project of nursing homes' infection density improvement




Objective: From 2015 to June 2016, the average density of infection is 2.1 per mille and the most of the infected is the respiratory tract (53%) . The goal of this project is to reduce the density of infection to be under 1.89%. Methods: To audit one or two patients whom each nurse takes care of, and infection control specialists audit 41 employees. Further, we analyzed the reasons of high infection density are related to the high Pneumonia infection density and low hand hygiene compliance. Improvements: 1. Develop the care guides which are related to drug resistant organism and Pneumonia. 2. English edition compact disk of in-service training and patient instruction for medical workers. 3. Purchase more chest percussion devices, and hand sanitizer. 4. Setting the height indicators on the head side of a hospital bed. Audit for the rates to raise the head side and get off the beds. Results: The infection density is reduced from 2.1 per mille to 1.27 per mille. The achievement rate is more than 100%, and improvement rate is 40%. The average length of stay is reduced from 15.8 days to 13.1 days. The rate of resignation is reduced from 14% to 8%. The rate of the recovery for ambulation is increased from 66% to 88%. The rate of semi or high-Fowler 's position IS increased from 31% to 85%. Conclusion: To improve the quality of care in the nursing homes, we'll make an English edition compact disk of common diseases and nursing instruction for the foreign new employee' in-service training.


Nursing Home infection density Hand hygiene


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