  • 期刊


Ecology of Passionfruit Virus Transmission and the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of using Virus-free Seedling to Control



百香果病毒病自民國70年起開始於本省發生,造成百香果產量與品質之嚴重損失。爲了解無病毒果苗種植田間後之再感染生態及評估其防治效果,本研究於77年起於埔里及大坪頂二地進行田間試驗,結果發現不管果園周圍病源密度如何,百香果病毒在1至5月間傳播速率極低 6月後發病率逐漸提升,9至11月間發病最迅速。由附近病源遍佈之大坪頂試區年終發病率高達89%,而距離發病果園至少4公里之埔里試區發病率僅達59%之現象推斷,栽培果園距離發病園愈遠或附近病源愈少則發病機會愈小且愈延後。另外由埔里及大坪頂試區平均公頃產量分別達13.9及9公噸,而對照栽植帶毒苗試區僅獲4.8公噸可知,病毒病發生之延緩相對可延長百香果之健康生長期,而百香果之産量、品質及果農收益亦可獲得提升。根據此發病生態結果,本研究硏擬一套防治策略,即於每年12月全面砍除原有百香果園內所有植株,而於1月間定植無病毒苗,使百香果植株有至少5個月以上之健康生長期,以確保第一期果實之正常生長依此策略本研究於78年於大坪頂地區進行30公頃果園之全面更新,結果該地區當年延至9月才出現病株且年底之發病率僅達7-9%,防治區每公頃年産量最高可達44.6公噸爲未更新果園之10倍,而收益則由於果實品質之提升爲未更新果園之15倍。由此連續兩年之實際栽培試驗證實,應用無病毒百香果苗經由適當栽培時期之選擇,可順利延緩病毒病之發生提高百香果之産量、品質及果農之收益。


In January of 1988, two field plots different in their distances to virus infested passionfruit orchards were set up to study the effectiveness of planting virus-free seedlings to control passionfruit virus diseases. The results from both plots similarly showed that the transmission of passionfruit viruses was extremely low in the months from January to May. Virus incidence began to appear in early June and gradually increased afterward. The most rapid virus dissemination period occurred form September to November which was correlated with the high aphid population density in this period in Taiwan. At the end of 1988, the virus incidences were 89% for plot B surrounded by highly infested orchards and 59% for plot A which was at least 4 km away from the nearest disease sources. The yield of plot B was 9 Ton/ha and that of plot A was 13.9 Ton/ha while that of a control orchard planting with non-virus indexed seedlings was only 4.8 Ton/ha. In January of 1989, 30 ha of virus-infected passionfruit in the same area were eradicated and replanted with indexed virus-free seedlings. At the end of 1989, only 7% of virus incidence and a 44.6 Ton/ha averaged yield were recorded from one of the two experiment orchards which was about 10 times more than that of the non-replanted control orchard. The net profit from the above orchard was estimated to be NT $762,800/ha which was 15 times more than that of the non-replanted control orchard. Based on these results, passionfruit virus diseases could in Taiwan be successfully managed to a minimum level by eradication of all passionfruit trees annually and replanted with virus-free seedlings. This application has resulted satisfactory differences in decreasing virus incidence and increasing yield as well as quality of passionfruit and consequently the good profit for passionfruit growers in Taiwan.


