  • 期刊


Appication of Antagonisitc Microorganisms in Double-layers of Vermiculite to Control of Seedling Damping-off Caused by Rhizoctonia Solani



利用夾層法(三明治法)將種子夾於拮抗菌-蛭石混合物中間以防治立枯絲核菌(Rhizoctonia solani AG-4)引起之幼苗猝倒病。這種夾層法設計如下:將拮抗微生物與蛭石混合,使微生物濃度在每毫升106以上,然後在室溫下(25-28°C)陰乾。將厚度一公分厚的拮抗菌-蛭石舖於栽培介質(含病菌)的上面為底層,然後將種子於其上,再將一層一公分厚的拮抗菌-蛭石覆蓋於種子之上。利用這種方法,Bacillus subtilis (菌株Tp-Tu311)與酵母菌Sporobolomyces sp.(菌株Y11-2)均可顯著的降低14種供試作物因立枯絲核菌所引起的幼苗猝倒病。供試的14種作物包括萵苣、蘿蔔、結球白菜、東京白菜、甘藍、花椰菜、胡蘿蔔、菠菜、番茄、夾碗豆、菜豆、綠豆、大豆、飼料玉米等。其中以B. subtilis Tp-Tu311的效果較Sporobolomyces sp. Y11-2為好。此外,即使衹用無菌蛭石,亦能阻隔部份病原菌,減少發病情形。拮抗微生物的防病效果隨著病原菌密度增加而減少,在接種源濃度1%蛭石中,Tp-Tu311的防病效果較Y11-2為佳。而一般拮抗菌濃度為106/ml以上時,就能顯著降低發病。將拮抗菌-蛭石混合物陰乾後儲存於室溫及4°C下經12週,其防治蘿蔔幼苗猝倒病之效果與剛配製時相同,無顯著差異。拮抗菌-蛭石混合物陰乾後在室溫貯存12個月,仍具良好的防病效果。拮抗菌-蛭石混合陰乾後,添加馬鈴薯葡萄糖酵母菌液(PDYB)、黑糖、糖密液等,均無法顯著提升其防病效果。將豌豆、胡瓜、蘿蔔與番茄播種在抗拮菌-蛭石中,種子萌芽一週後,再移植到不同濃度的病原菌-蛭石中,並無防病效果。模擬微區試驗,拮抗微生物雖然能增加蘿蔔幼苗之存活率,但防病效果不如直接播種者為佳,其中以菌株Tp-Tu311的治效果最好。


A sandwich design consisting of laying seeds in between double layers of antagonist-vermiculite mix for control of seedling damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani was developed. Antagonistic microorganisms were added to vermiculite at the concentration of about 106-8 cfu/m1, and the mixtures were air-dried at room temperature for 24 hr. One centimeter thick of antagonistic microorganisms-vermiculite mixture was put on the top of the cultural medium with R. solani. Seeds were then placed on the mixture and covered with another layer of antagonist-vermiculite mix. When isolates of Tp-Tu311 & Tn-Y21 of Bacillus subtilis or Yll-l & Y11-2 of Sporobolomyces sp. were applied to cultural media as described above, radish seedling damping-off caused by R. so/ani AG-4 significantly decreased. Among the four tested antagonists, isolate Tp-Tu311 of B. subtilis was most effective. As long as the concentration of the antagonistic bacteria in the vermiculite mixture was higher than 106 cfu/ml, the Tp- Tu311 was effective in reducing the Rhizoctonia damping-off. The inhibition activity of the four isolates in the airy-dried antagonist -vermiculite mix persisted for at least 12 months under room temperatures. Using double layers method, isolates Tp- Tu311 of B. subtilis and isolate Y 11-2 of Sporobolomyces sp. significantly reduced the seedling damping-off of 14 species of crops. The 14 tested crops were cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, Tokuyo pai-tsai, radish, tomato, lettuce, spinach, mung bean, garden pea, soybean, common bean, and corn. Amendment of Potato-dextrose-yeast broth (PDYB), crude sugar, or mo1asses to stored antagonist-vermiculite mix was not effective in increasing its suppressive activity.
