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Powdery Mildew of Vegetable Soybean in Taiwan



本文首次報導臺灣毛豆(大豆)白粉病之發生及病原菌形態。2001年於高雄區農業改良場之毛豆品種改良試驗田區內發現部分品系毛豆植株葉片上出現白色粉末黴狀物,初期在葉表面呈點狀分怖,病勢發展後期葉片、枝條及莖被白色徽狀物所披覆,植株之生長勢減弱,產量降低,發生嚴重時甚至葉片黃化、提早開花。迄今僅發現病原菌之無性世代,因此本文根據Boesewinkel, H. J. 1980年之報告,依病原菌之無性世代形態、特徵鑑定毛豆(大豆)白粉病之病原菌為Microsplwera diffusa。本病原茵對碗豆、紅豆、綠豆、萊豆及長豇豆等不具病原性,僅對毛豆部分品系具病原性。


A new powdery mildew on vegetable soybean was reported in Kaohsiung District Agricultural Improvement Station, Pintung, Taiwan, in 2001. The disease prevails in cool, humid autumn and spring seasons during the reproductive periods of vegetable soybean plants. The initial symptom appears first as small, circular, whitish powdery spots on the adaxial surface and late on the disease covered on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaves, stems, petioles, and pods as well. Severely infected plants resulted in leaves abscission and yield reduction. The causal agent produces conidia only in the field and no teleomorph was found so far. The anamorph characteristics are whitish mycelium epiphytic on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces; conidiophores upright, simple, 65-110 μm, upper portion increasing in length with formation of conidia, foot-cell straight, appressoria multilobed, single or opposite; conidia globose, l-celled, hyaline, produced in single, 30-33 x 19-26μm. The fibrosing body in conidia, conidiophore cells and haustorium were not observed under microscope. Base on anamorphic characteristics, the-pathogen was identified as Microsaeria diffusa (Boesewinkel, 1980). No disease symptom was observed when pathogenicity tests was conducted on garden pea (Pisum sativum L.), adzukibean (Phaseolus angularis Wight), mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.), and asparagus bean (Vigna sesqtlipedalis Fruwirth), while only few clones of vegetable soybean exhibited the susceptible reaction. This implies the potential for breeding resistant varieties to control the disease.

