  • 期刊


Study of a Low-temperature and Low-Pressure Fumigation Technique for the Quarantine Procedure of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes



以複合感染根瘤線蟲及根腐線蟲之山藥薯塊及感染松材線蟲之松材枝幹為試驗材料,分別使用溴化烷及磷化氫等藥劑燻蒸處理,處理時間為2小時與8小時;另外以40%芬滅松乳劑(Fenamiphos)、24%加保扶液劑(Carbofuran)及80%滅線蟲乳劑(Nemamort)等化學藥劑浸泡處理供試材料,處理時間為30分鐘與90分鐘。在處理傳播媒介松斑天牛幼蟲方面,利用溴化甲烷(12公克,壓力250 mmHg毫米汞柱,處理兩小時)及磷化氫(4公克,壓力250 mmHg毫米汞柱,處理8小時)低溫減壓燻蒸處理,結果發現溴化甲烷的藥效可深入深度在47~52公分之間,而磷化氫藥效的深入深度則在22~26公分之間。在處理松材線蟲方面,分別以溴化烷及磷化氫處理,發現兩者藥效深入深度僅在5公分處即有松材線蟲存活,因此針對處理松斑天牛幼蟲以燻蒸作處理,可達到滅除害蟲的目的,但效果則侷限半徑47公分以下的松樹枝幹(以溴化甲烷處理)及半徑22公分以下的松樹枝幹(以磷化氫處理)。利用藥劑浸泡處理複合感染根瘤線蟲及根腐線蟲之山藥薯塊,發現藥效深度未能到達3公厘深。若以49.5-50.5°C熱水溫湯處理30分鐘,雖可有效殺死侵入深度5公厘以內薯塊中的根腐線蟲,但卻會傷害種薯發芽之生長,因此對於出口檢疫要求及山藥品質的影響,仍需進一步研究探討。


A study was conducted to determined control of plant-parasitic nematode disease of yam caused by combined infestations of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) and pinewood caused by pinewood nematodes (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) and their insect vector, pine sawyer beetles (Monochamus alternatus). The treatments were: (1) Methyl bromide fumigated for 2 and 8hrs; (2) Phosphine fumigated for 2 and 8hrs; (3) 40% Fenamiphos soaked for 30 and 90 min; (4) 24% Oxamyl soaked for 30 and 90 min; (5) 41% Carbofuran soaked for 30 and 90 min; (6) 80% Nemamort soaked for 30 and 90 min; and (7) Hot water (49.5-50.5°C) soaked for 30 min. Results showed that fumigation of pinewood for 2 hrs with 12 g of methyl bromide under the pressure of 250 mmHg was most effective in killing larvae of pine sawyer beetle in the wood for upto the depth of 47-52 cm but this treatment was effective in killing pinewood nematode for only upto the depth of 5 cm. Methyl bromide and all the other treatments of yam tubers were effective in killing nematodes in the tissues for only upto a depth of 3 mm. hot water treatment of yam tubers were effective in killing nematodes in the tissues for only upto a depth of 5 mm but the treatment was harmful to the germination and growth of yam tubers. The study concludes that methyl bromide is the most effective chemical in controlling larvae of pine sawyer beetle. No effective control of nematodes infestations in pine wood and yam tubers is found in this study and thus, requires further investigations.
