  • 期刊


A Study on the Factors Influencing Accident Likelihood of Taxi Drivers


本文利用交通部2005年所進行「計程車營運狀況調查」所蒐集到的原始資料,探討台灣計程車駕駛者發生交通事故可能性與次數之影響因素。透過計數資料的Poisson、Negative Binomial(NB)及Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial(ZINB)等迴歸模式之實證估計,發現較適合此一資料特性的迴歸模式為ZINB;模式校估結果顯示影響計程車駕駛者發生交通事故的因素有「巡迴攬客」、該車「已行駛距離」、「每日工作時數」、「侵略性駕駛行為」、「總維修費用」、「總保險費用」、駕駛者「教育程度」、「駕駛年資」、及「營業地區為都會區」等。而其「侵略性駕駛行為」中,明顯影響其發生交通事故的行為則為有「超速」、「違規超車、轉彎、迴轉」兩種。


This paper investigates the factors influencing the accident likelihood and numbers of taxi drivers in Taiwan by using the data collected by MOTC in 2005. With applying the models of count data, such as Poisson, Negative Binomial and Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial model, the estimated results indicate that Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial model has better performance than others in terms of significant statistics. The factors that influence the accident likelihood and numbers of taxi drivers are ”driving to find passengers”, ”driving mileages”, ”working hours per day”, ”aggressive driving”, ”maintenance cost”, ”insurance expense”, ”education level”, ”the years of driving taxi” and ”driving in metropolitan area or not”. As for the detail effects of aggressive driving behavior on the accident likelihood and numbers are appeared to be significant in ”speed driving” and ”illegal passing, swerving, and circumrotating”.
