  • 期刊


Comparison of Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Asphalt Concrete


為了確保鋪面混合料使用品質,必須檢驗瀝青混凝土材料品質水準是否符合設計規範要求,以確保鋪面長期服務績效。品質保證(quality assurance,QA)是鋪面工程檢驗程序之一,藉由抽樣程序試驗以驗證產品品質是否合乎規範;另外,施工廠商實施品質管制(quality control,QC),是有助於施工廠商立即掌握品質狀況及自主品管責任;由於國內尚無QC與QA兩者比較之數據,一般無法得知QC之實際狀況。本研究於施工現場收集6個拌和廠之多孔性瀝青混凝土的QC試驗,並於另一實驗室獨立進行相對應QA試驗,再以統計方法進行各項數據評估。經統計分析各廠QC和QA試驗值計量結果,得知QA的標準差較QC為高,檢定各廠QC和QA試驗變異數及平均值亦存有顯著差異性;為了均衡施工廠商及主辦機關雙方對於品質接受與否之風險,本研究提出同時考量QC和QA試驗平均值及標準差,利用品質界限百分比(percent within limits)量化檢驗品質水準,再參考AASHTO R42實務所列範例之付款因子模式,尋得適當鋪面瀝青混凝土材料檢驗品質之驗收付款標準。


A typical quality assurance (QA) is the process by which highway construction elements are sampled and tested by agencies to ensure compliance with specifications. The results of quality control (QC) performed by contractors for tests of mix properties of asphalt pavements are increasingly used in the acceptance decision by highway agencies. An analysis of the QC and QA results during the 2008 construction season was undertaken for quality test measures including asphalt content and aggregate gradation. Differences between QC and QA test results for hot-mix asphalt concrete were shown to be statistically significant for some of mix properties. On quality characteristics in which statistically significant differences occurred, the QA values were typically larger. QA and QC comparisons indicated less variable and more favorable contractor test results that would give more favorable acceptance outcomes. A process to determine a typical standard deviation value was developed for the quality characteristics of asphalt mixtures. Revised specification limits were recommended to take into account the variability of both QC and QA data. These findings would help highway agencies structure their quality assurance programs, specifically the use of contractor-performed tests for acceptance decisions.
