

利用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)搭載設備拍攝影像,因其架構簡易、可操控性高及成本需求低等特色,近年來已廣泛應用於許多領域中。本研究以淡水河支流新店溪在華中橋與華江橋間的河段作為研究範圍,藉由UAV 搭載攝影機拍攝影像,採用影像技術分析研究河段範圍內的灘地地形高程,亦利用大尺度粒子影像法分析量測河道水流流速分布,其影像分析結果用以建構二維水理數值模式;利用數值模式模擬不同重現期距洪水位及流場,以及平時漲退潮之水流流況及行水區變動現象;模擬分析結果將可提供水利防災及河道高灘地管理上的參考。


In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been widely used in many research fields. Compared to remote sensing technology, UAVs have advantages including easy setup, high mobility and low cost. The study area selected is located in the river reach between the Hawchung Bridge and the HawJung Bridge in the Sindian River which is one of the main tributaries of the Tamsui River. UAV, as a carrier, with imaging facilities is adopted in this study. Through image processing and analyzing technology, ground elevation and landscape can be obtained to construct the topographical data for the numerical model of river flood simulation. Technology of large scale particle image velocimetry is applied to analyze image information captured by the camera carried on UAV and to obtain observed velocity field for verifying the numerical model. The 2D hydrodynamic flow model is used to simulate various return-period flood cases and tidal flood-ebb flow conditions. The simulated and observed results are useful for flood disaster mitigation as well as the floodplain management.


