  • 期刊


Satisfaction Improving of the Mammography Workflow


目前國際上醫學實證,可以有效提早發現並改善預後的乳癌篩檢方法是乳房X 光攝影檢查,因此乳房攝影檢查量有逐年升高的趨勢。以往婦女朋友聽到要做乳房攝影第一個想到的就是因為壓迫的疼痛不適感而卻步,因而造成檢查整體滿意度不高。本院自2014年7 月至2015 年2 月期間統計乳房攝影服務量為6398 人次,每月平均服務量約為799 人次。而改善前的乳房攝影檢查整體滿意度為90.47%,期望藉由品管圈組成執行醫療品質改善計畫來提升醫療服務品質,讓婦女朋友在進行乳房攝影檢查時減少疼痛感、輕鬆無壓力,並提昇乳房攝影檢查後的滿意度達95.22%。


Evidence from current international medical practices show that mammography can greatly improve the detection of breast cancer and prognosis. Mammography is seeing an increasing trend in recent years. The first impression of mammography for women is that the pain and discomfort during the procedure of compression, the issue caused overall satisfaction from patients are not ideal. The amount of mammography from July 2014 to February 2015 was 6389 patients, monthly average was 799 patients. The overall satisfaction of mammography was 90.47% before improvement, we established the quality control circle group, expected the plan of healthcare quality improvement would improve the quality of medical services. This project could help female patients reducing the pain, uncomfortable and relaxed without oppressive, overall satisfaction was up to 95.22%.
