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The study of Competition Model Using the Theory of Innovation Diffusion----The case study of Shen Guang-Wun Culture Design Prize by Shanhua District Office




Shen Guangwen's value-added creative product marketing competition, which is co-organized by Shanhua District Office, has been held to the second round from the competition of food, clothing, housing, transportation, recreation, and entertainment. The purpose of holding competitions in schools is to take the learning status and effectiveness of students. Based on the above tripartite cooperation between industry, government and academia, this study uses a case approach to discuss the process of holding competitions using the theory of innovation diffusion, and how to continue the innovation diffusion competition to know the effectiveness of students participating in the competition. Therefore, this study uses the four elements of the innovation diffusion theory proposed by Roger (1983), which are "innovation, communication channels, social systems and time", and divides them into three parts: one is innovation, the other is communication channels, and the third is social system and time-related discussions. The hypothesis of this research is divided into three parts: one is innovation, the other is communication channel, and the third is social system and time as a case study for the competition? Proposition 2: What is the communication channel with the contestants? Proposition 3: How to connect the social system of the competition and the diffusion of innovation? In the rematch of the competition, the point of innovation is to ask students to create cultural and creative products in the planning book and communication channels for the team to produce cultural and creative products, and in the rematch the on-the-spot analysis is the communication goal of the participating teams. In the diffusion of innovation and the connection with the social system, it is necessary to take the commodity prices that customers can accept, and to better understand the combination of product production and marketing.
