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Digital Art Meets Children's Education: Review of the Learn and Play! Future Park Exhibition by Artist Collective teamLab


《學習!未來の遊園地》(Learn and Play! Future Park)是一項結合藝術、科技與教育的跨域展覽,創作者是日本東京的藝術團隊團體實驗室(teamLab)。以關懷下一代創造力與未來教育的角度出發,藝術家跨領域的團隊背景與思維,為數位時代的兒童教育展示開闢嶄新風景,其數位作品模糊了科技與藝術間的分界,並改寫展覽中觀眾與展品的關係。本文首先描述團體實驗室團隊之創作理念與展示呈現手法。其次援引教育相關理論及博物館家庭觀眾研究發現,分析展品互動裝置背後遊樂性與教育性兼備之佈署意圖。最後則評論此型態展覽「虛實合一與媒介融合」、「沉浸體驗及參與共創」等策展模式,可供新世代兒童展示議題與表現方式之思考。


The exhibition Learn and Play! Future Park, an interdisciplinary production combining art, technology and education, was presented by the artist collective teamLab, which is based in Tokyo, Japan. Concern for creativity among the next generation and the future of education are the starting points for the members of this collective who come from different artistic backgrounds and who possess different thinking. They are developing new exhibition styles to educate children in this digital age. Their digital works blur the lines between technology and art and rewrite the relationship between audiences and exhibited works. This paper begins with an introduction to the creative concepts and exhibition methods of teamLab. Next, learning theory and results of museum family visitor research are used to highlight the edutainment aspects of the digital interactive installations in this exhibition. Finally, commentary is provided on this exhibition, which is experiential, as well as combines the virtual and the actual, blends various media and involves collaboration and co-creation, to encourage thinking on issues related to new-generation children's exhibitions.


Borun, M. and Drisas, J., 1997. Developing family-friendly exhibits. Curator, 40(3): 178, 180
Lucija, A., 2017. Museums as avenues of learning for children: A decade of research. Learning Environments Research, 20(1): 52.
teamLab, 2016. teamLab 2001-2016, pp. 274-275. Japan: teamLab.
Todd, S., 2017. TeamLab’s Future Park show is about to wow Sydney with its mutating Japanese art. Financial Review. https://goo.gl/1Avmio(瀏覽日期:2019/01/14)
