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  • OpenAccess


Investigation of Virtual Community Operation among Art Museums


經營虛擬社群是資訊時代博物館開拓廣大網路族群有效的方法之一。本研究根據文獻與相關資料建構問卷工具,以藝術類博物館為對象,統計分析20 位網站經營者以及73 位網站成員對於館方經營虛擬社群方式之看法,並透過博物館學、資訊科技、觀眾研究等不同領域的專家深入訪談,以確認調查結果。調查研究發現,經營者與成員均認同以不同身分方式提供客製化資訊,年齡層毋須過多,針對兒童即可,二者對於娛樂資訊認同程度較低之主要原因在於問卷對象以青年居多,故對館方提供給兒童之線上娛樂內容自然較不感興趣;經營者與成員間存在之認知差異,主要包括:經營者目標與成員需求不一致、招募成員之有效管道不同、館方與社群成員之互動工具偏好差異、提供個人線上蒐藏空間之期望不同、安排線上專家團及邀請話題性名人擔任討論區主持人之立場不一等。國外的博物館已善用「多對多」或「使用者之間」的互動形式經營專屬的虛擬社群,但國內的博物館仍偏向於「一對多」或「博物館與使用者之間」的社群交流。由於本研究係針對藝術類博物館展開,且所調查之成員對象年齡多在18 至45 歲之間,因此所提出之結論與建議較適合藝術類博物館參考使用於拓展青年族群。


In this information age, managing virtual communities is an effective means of developing museum user groups. Based on a review of the literature and related information, a questionnaire for exploring how museums manage virtual communities was developed. Twenty virtual community managers and 73 virtual community members from various art museums were surveyed. Through in-depth interviews with six experts from museum studies, information technology and audience research, investigation results were confirmed. Both managers and members agreed that information can be tailored to members' needs and that it is not necessary to categorize information across a large number of age groups. For example, focus can be placed on children. Additionally, both managers and members reported low satisfaction with the entertainment value of content. This may be due to the questionnaire having been targeted to young adults while most museums provide information for children. Differences between managers and members were found in the following areas: managers' targets and the needs of members, effective channels for member recruitment, preferences for interactive media, needs for online storage, and rationale for inviting experts and celebrities to host forums. Foreign museums take advantage of virtual community operation to carry out "many-to-many" interaction, while domestic museums manage virtual communities through a "one-to-many" approach. As this study emphasized the operation of virtual communities by art museums and subjects mainly ranged in age from 18 to 45, the conclusions and suggestions proposed are most appropriate for art museums and the recruitment of young adult virtual community members.


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