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New Exploration to Renxuan's politics of Ming Dynasty




明代 仁宗 宣宗 仁宣之治 鄭和


The period from Hongxi emperor to Hsuan-tsung emperor of Ming Dynasty, although only a short time in 11 years , but its impact on the time, and, later China, but it is deep and far. Its correct policy line, such as appointment virtuous, rest with the people, so that the Ming Dynasty get excellent positive social and economic development. And in this, benevolence, many political measures declared dynasties, such as the formation of the Cabinet vote intended to strengthen restrictions on the powers of the military attach, the governor of dispatch, there are eunuchs Jianjun, are affected later political developments and system design of the Ming Dynasty. Because Hongxi emperor and Hsuan-tsung emperor employing political, administrative processing, are later called good, become rare in the history of the Ming Dynasty Official Qingming, economic development and social stability of the era, known as the "Ren Xuan Governance". In all fairness, Ren Xuan Governance does have its positive significance and contribution. However, it appears from the perspective of today; with the people recuperate in a way, which is a symbol of the positive aspects of the deficiencies. Proverb goes: "Everything that is beneficial to harm" is often dependent fortune or misfortune. Benevolence towards politics as declared in the defense, in addition to the loss of the northern border advantageous; ban on maritime trade, it is a serious blow to the livelihoods of coastal residents, forcing innocent civilians become pirates . The diplomatic retreat, it is the Ming Empire in the Age of Discovery in the absence of modern alterations. Reach its impact to the 19th century, China was bullied by foreign powers, has become almost colonial powers Western Ocean countries. In today's perspective, the Ren Xuan Governance meaning not only positive, the negative impact of the associated intangible, beyond most people's imagination. Basically, you want to engage in research- related topics, in addition to its range to explore from the benevolence, declared dynasties domestic and foreign affairs, defense and other outward facing, especially the history of the world have to join a macro perspective for comparison. If we can ever escape the stereotype, fair look at the facts, clarify the truth, you should be able to get quite a harvest, and can be filled this less than one academic subject.

