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The Effects of Dietary Vitamin C and Fat Content in Guinea Pigs with Benzene Administration



苯為一種使用頻繁的有機溶劑,而生活環境中也常有苯釋放,如汽機車廢氣、香煙燃燒等。已知苯代謝過程在動物體內會導致自由基產生,這種危害是否會受飲食之影響,此乃是本實驗探討的主題。本實驗以天竺鼠為實驗動物,觀察在苯暴露下,並補充維生素C或攝食8%油脂時對動物體的效應。將300克左右之雄性天竺鼠,隨機分成四組,分別為:B(苯注射組), BC(苯注射及維生素C補充組), BO(苯注射及8%油脂組)及N(控制組)。在飼養30天過程中,B、BC及BO組每兩天由腹腔注射120μL苯/公斤體重,N組則注射生理食鹽水。實驗結果顯示,苯注射導致天竺鼠攝食減少及體重較輕,肝臟中protein carbonyls含量增加及麩胺合成酶活性降低,且脂質過氧化指標TBARS含量亦增加。維生素C補充對天竺鼠肝臟蛋白質氧化損傷有緩和效應,但對體重的增加並無助益。當飼料油脂提昇至8%時,並不會影響肝臟蛋白質氧化損傷及脂質過氧化,但會使體重更為降低。本研究顯示在肝臟代謝苯的過程中對肝臟的蛋白質、脂質造成氧化傷害,而維生素C補充對苯暴露下之肝臟蛋白質有部分保護作用。


天竺鼠 維生素C 蛋白質carbonyls TBARS


Benzene is often found in environmental pollution such as gasoline vapor and cigarette smoke. It has been known that the metabolism of benzene would generate free radicals in the body. The purpose of this study was to explore whether benzene damage could be influenced by dietary factors. Guinea pigs were used as experimental animals to study the effects of fat intake or vitamin C supplementation under benzene exposure. The animals were divided into four groups: benzene injected (B), benzene injected and vitamin C supplemented (BC), benzene injected and 8% oil-diet fed (BO) and control (saline-injected) (N). Groups B, BC and BO were injected with 120 μL benzene/kg body weight every other day. After 30 days, all groups were sacrificed. Liver protein carbonyls and glutamine synthetase activities were assayed as indicators for protein oxidative damages. TBARS were determined as the production of lipid peroxidation. The results showed that benzene injection resulted in lower food intake and body weight gain. Benzene-treated guinea pigs also had increased oxidative damage of proteins and lipid peroxidation in liver. Vitamin C supplementation reduced production of protein carbonyls but did not correct the arrested growth. The feeding of 8% dietary fat further lowered the body weight but did not augment the oxidative damage. This study has demonstrated increased oxidative damages caused by low-dose benzene exposure and dietary vitamin C could alleviate some oxidative stress.


guinea pig benzene vitamin C protein carbonyls TBARS
