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Using a Database of Hospital Information to Help Screen Patients Who Need More-Efficacious Nutritional Support Therapy


篩選出符合需營養治療介入之新住院病患,並讓聯合醫療團隊成員之一營養師的角色自被動化為主動,讓跨領域醫療團隊運行更有效率的基礎上,欲利用院內暨有資訊化資料進行入院病患的營養篩選,發展出供營養師使用的營養篩選資訊化資料庫。因此利用院內既有之護理資訊系統(Nursing information system, NIS)以及血液常規檢驗值系統(Regular bloody quality system, RQS)中與營養不良相關之因子來篩出營養狀況不好、需要營養介入之患者。研究結果發現,入院患者中,經NIS記錄分析新住院病患中屬於需要營養治療介入之患者達77.7%;經RQS血液常規生化檢驗值分析新住院病患中需要營養治療介入之患者達74.0%;而需營養治療介入患者可藉由NIS及RQS兩項資訊化篩選機制可共同篩出95%的族群。增添建立血脂異常之項目於NIS篩選系統項目,則能讓NIS篩選系統發揮更大效應,提高新住院患者中需要營養治療支持患者之被篩選率,自77%提升到86%,強化NIS的篩選率。結論:可利用院內資訊資料及時有效篩選需要營養介入之住院病患。


Based on screening of patients who require nutritional support intervention, dietitians can be more active in using already available information to develop an information database. We used factors related to malnutrition from a nursing information system (NIS) and a regular blood quality system (RQS) to select patients who were diagnosed with malnutrition and who needed nutritional support intervention. Results showed that around 77.7% and 74% of new patients needed nutritional support intervention after analyses using the NIS and RQS, respectively. Further, 95% of patients were selected from the NIS and RQS when they were combined together. In addition, the nutritional screening rate increased from 77% to 86% if we added factors related to dyslipidemia to the NIS. In conclusion, we found that using hospital information can help screen patients who need nutritional support intervention.


